Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Unleashing

When he arrived on a great viking ship there was talk of a god descending on earth.
Those who believed and had the eyes to see were only the few.

When he stepped onto that land all were perplexed as thunder and lightning rustled the reality of the sleepy fishing village that night. 
Because he arrived many felt a chill in their bones as their lies penetrated their souls.
Their greed and hurt could no longer go unhealed.
Many left the village saying that these storms were far too dangerous for them to stay on the rocky shore.

The few that looked upon the great storms and felt the longing of home, drew nearer, and kept warm through the horrible winter that tore open mountains with its cold.
By that spring only few had remained and somehow when they emerged to the singing birds, they were awakened in a way they did not know before.

Others joined them, from far and wide, yet the ones that had weathered the storms had an unspoken understanding in their eyes.  They respected each other and when they would meet, a hardy laugh would be shared by all who were near, for the great storm of opening consciousness was amongst them and most that beheld them knew nothing of it. 

Before long Thor left the village and made his way into the mountains  The mermaids had spread their influence amongst the sailors who they rescued from the great ship wrecks.  They whispered that a great power resided in the trees far above the sycamore peaks.  This is, after all, what Thor came for and when the word reached him, his spirit moved through the trees as elephant herds, having no remorse for the life sacrificed.

As he felt her power in the depth of the great mountain cave, his eternal hammer lifted and with its might cast down, a great thunder rolled with a lighting bolt that blinded the sky.  As it cracked down upon the peak, the core of the mountain heated and erupted with lava engulfing the girl within it.  From her ashes rose a great phoenix.  She, now a fire bird, free to dance upon the land in the hearts of mankind.

When the passions of mankind would rise, feeling the ecstasy of life, it was she who's wings touched their thighs.  When artists and poets were moved to creation and when mothers felt the sexuality of giving birth to their babies, it was she who danced on their flesh.  It was she causing the young maidens to run away with their lovers.  It was she exciting children to dance and men to flirt with strange women they never knew before.  Her spirit was the risk of the pleasure of creation of mankind and once and for all she was let loose upon them.

So when you have a grievance with a passion that drives you wild with lust or are driven helplessly to take risks with your own life for another with no regard for the sensible, thank Thor who cracked open the mountain, unleashing the passion of Pele on all life, for all time.  

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Ode to the old gods

Thor god of thunder rumble my belly with power. Freya goddess of life light me from within. Smeg give my arms the might of flight. Dwarij help me follow my light. 

The Coming

A long long time ago or perhaps just yesterday, there was a young girl.
She grew up with wolves and dressed in animal pelts.
She worshipped Thor for he was the god of her ancestors.
She left the village in search of him and resolved not to return until he appeared.
A wolf pack befriended her and she lived amongst them in a cave in the mountains.
The jungles surrounded her home deep in the amazon.

This is where she wrote, meditated, and developed her spiritual abilities.
The waterfalls whispered to her and in one moon lit lagoon, the mermaids befriended the girl.
She told them of her longing for that which she felt made her complete.

A stabilizing force of the universe.  For she was the spark that ignited his will to cast down his hammer and ground her.  A spark by itself has no force to ignite.  She remains just a spark until her purpose arrives.

The mermaids did not understand her longing but she explained that it was as if they were removed from the waters.  "Oh!" they gasped for such an inexplicable fate to have befallen a creature.  Their memories, much more ancient then hers had no recollection of such things, deep in the sensual waves of their emotions.  Of course mermaids memories are as waving sea weed and they only recall what is needed.  They did amongst them agree to watch the nearby fishing village for him.  This manifestation of the stabilizer of the universe.

For many years he was no where to be seen.  The girl grew in years and even though her resolve to not return was adhered to, she almost forgot what exactly she was looking for.  Many times she had seen captured by the slave traders when she would get too close to the village in her search and every time she managed to escape.  Her fearlessness of nature allowed her to go where men fear to tread and in the great storms as she dove off the cliffs into the ocean, no man dared risk his life over one fiery captive.  She would swim around the bluffs and rejoin her wolf pack.

Her best friend, a great leopardess who watched the land from high above in the great canopies of the tropical trees, was a spiritual refuge she sought every year on her birthday.  She would allow her to approach only that one time, remaining aloof to turn the magic of time and the fate of the land in her great abode amongst the sycamores.  This was the girl's 36th birthday and she felt in her bones that something was changing that was beyond comprehension.  This time when she came to her, the leopardess was more eager to receive her.

She spoke inside to the girl 'Come' and the girl climbed the great branches until she was in front of her crouched on a great limb.  'Speak girl' she huffed not wasting a moment.  'I have come to know will I live and know my purpose this year?' It was the same question as she asked every year yet this year she felt different.  her bones spoke to her now with a depth she had not known before.  'You will know him this year' the leopardess answered then jumped effortlessly to a limb in the distance and in one moment vanished into the canopies.  'Ugh' the girl huffed with frustration as she descended for this is what she answered every year and from her observation there was nothing she could make of it year after year.

But that year the mermaids that did not give up in their promise to find what she had asked for so long ago, saw a man walk off a boat into the fishing village.  He was quite larger then most and a hammer larger then any they had ever observed seemed to go unnoticed by the passings and goings of the villagers.  The wind strangely picked up wherever he went and the people became calm and relaxed.  They made a plan then to get him to the girl.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

My god

My god does not ask me to bow my head and become small. My god asks that I look him straight in the eye with the full fury of fire within me burning bright. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The End..but only the beginning of your story...

     There was nothing else to do now than to enter the dark opening.  She approached slowly and felt along the walls of the enclosure.  As soon as her body was within the darkness, all light disappeared.  She was left now with herself in a dark hole in the darkest inner belly of the ocean depths.  Would she survive?  The hallow was not tall enough for her to stand so she crawled and felt the ground and walls.  It was quite cool and moist with water filling every crevice but she was able to feel several objects on the ground within the smooth, curved walls of the hollow.  First, a small figurine made of what she would describe as clay.  The head was petite yet the body round and bulbous with a great belly surrounding the mid waist.  Her form narrowed again at the feet with breasts perfectly rounded.  The back had a rear similarly rounded and the best that she could figure was that this was a fertility statue devoted to earth goddess worship that she had studied about as a young woman.  It felt as if it had been held by other hands for extended durations having perfectly shaped finger protrusions along its curves.  Another item she felt was a mat that when she ran her fingers along it felt quite soft and alive.  As soft mosses felt in her prior life which now faded from memory, more and more every moment.  The fibers of the mat waved in soft tickling movements and as she lay upon it, each strand worked with the whole to lift her body in the most delicate way she had ever felt.  She fell into deep slumber as her form regenerated.
    When she awoke not knowing how long she had slept, her mind and body felt different.  As a matter of fact she felt quite different all over.  She couldn't tell exactly what had changed but she was energized and her mind was sharp and clean.  Free from the usual clutter of practical and analytical thoughts that ran through it.  She realized she was still clutching the goddess form between her fingertips that tingled with sensation.  It was as if every one of the cells in her form was cleansed to its deepest fibers and changed forever.  She had a peace about and within her that was more serene then she had ever known.  Gladness filled her breast knowing how comfortable she was there.  She curled into a small ball feeling sheltered and safe in the darkness.  The hollow dwelling felt more comfortable then the largest of palaces with all of her prior concern having been washed far away from her.  The pressure of the moving waters, surrounding her, rocking her gently in their folds.
    She allowed the place to fill her and seep into every pore of her being.  Her form massaged from every angle by the rocking.  Here she no longer felt separated.  An individual apart from the rest, but instead melted into oneness of all life.  She breathed deeply and her individual identity surrendered to the wholeness of all, feeling deeply nourished tucked in the roots of the great mother of all life.  She was Her now and one with Her will.  One with Her desire.  One with Her compassion.  As she opened her eyes all life now beamed of an inner light.  The darkness that she feared before was no longer possible as now she saw the golden light beaming from every fiber of the mat below her.  From the stone walls covered by tiny lichen.  The waters illuminated by their tiny forms drifting through them.  She sat up and beheld the great radiance of life all around her, shifting and moving.  They, as if smiling at her, as her deep inhales filled her with the bounty of their energy.  There was no more desire in her.  Her contentment all complete.
     She could sense The Dragon returning to her and she sat peacefully relaxed.  As His luminescent form descended before her, she, now one with all that is, could see him for what he was.  The beginning of all.  The source of all life who's word stirred the cosmos into existence.  Him who's desire for all life brought all into being.  Him, whos very fibers were the building blocks of all life.  There was no more thoughts separate from her being just a deep knowing of all things.  As he neared He knew she was ready and as they embraced all life again returned to its completeness.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Home Hallow

    The road illuminated by countless beaming creatures filled with the brightness of stars.  He led her up the swirling path into a cave-like hollow, high above the city.  It was much darker here and and she wondered what she could possibly have to do there.  'Welcome home my girl'  his softness murmured inside her.  'What is this place Master?' 'It is the Home you shall dwell in'.  She thought that he must be joking because the opening was immersed in complete darkness.  None of the luminescent beings were here to light the way.  'You do not like it?' he looked intensely into her asking the question a second time that day.  She had a feeling there would not be a third time and she answered quickly, more on edge now, gulping down her frustration, 'Yes, I want it'.  'Good' he raised an eyebrow.  'I have business in town and will be gone for some time', he left her no pause to protest . 'When I return, you will be ready.  Make due, best you can, with what you have here'.  He turned around and was gone before she could say a word.
     Her rage welled up in her breast.  To bring her all the way down here to the city of the stars and leave her in a dark hole?  She swore she would never forgive him and certainly not make it easy for him to ever see her again.  If it had been any other place he would have never seen her again.  She was a determined and stubborn girl, after all.  She had to be, to have survived this long.  Yet here she knew nothing.  Simple things like feeding herself were now unimaginable wonders, hard to conceive.  "Uuuugggghhhhhrrrrr", a roar welled up and escaped her lips causing the water to ripple around her. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

City of Light

  As the waters grew into complete darkness, there in the distance, she saw a light.  A beacon calling her.  She, unable to resist its flickering call, her fingertips now webbed for swift movement through the water, pushed her form to go faster towards it.  There was no time under the black waters, only her desire growing, to arrive.  As she got closer, a great city of light opened before her.  There was a great arched gate and beyond it, countless tall reefs with fluid lights floating between them.  Inside she could see movement and shadows of creatures, with the light beaming from within.  As she approached, sea-creature guards with forms bright from within like walking stars, parted the gate, without a sound.   
    She found it strange that thy would know her and as she penetrated the city, there at the center was a great circular well with him standing before it.  Her dragon Master had now changed in form, from scales a large beast with scales as black and iridescent as night, to a form of celestial light.  He looked as a man now yet his form shone so brightly that she had to allow her eyes to adjust to look at him.  She approached him walking with her feet on the ground.  It seemed the city was set on a place with such balanced energy that she could now place her feet lightly and move along the surface as if floating, yet it was only her desire that moved her.
     He embraced her as she stepped before him. 'I am glad you have come' His tone reassuring her in words she could feel inside of her.  Spoken language no longer needed to communicate in the depths.  'My Master' she was relieved to be in his arms, feeling his rhythmic heart beat, hers calming to his.  Then a feeling rippled through her from within.  She pulled back looking at him 'Why did you call me from Her?'  He looked surprised that she would not understand all of it by now.  'You are her seed.  You belong with me.'  His tones simply stated without question in the pulses of her heart beat.  She could feel the rage welling up heat inside her realizing this was decided.  Her eyes filled with with fluid from her veins and she watched a drop of black blood spread in the waters in front of her.  He watched her tenderly with concern on his brow of light, 'You do not wish this?' he asked openly.  She turned her head to look up, the endless darkness with fluid stars moving far above them. 
     She returned her gaze to him 'I do want it'.  His brow unfurling at the change within her.  The corner of his mouth curling into a smirk of satisfaction.  'Are you quite satisfied with yourself?' she asked seeing his reaction.  'Almost' he beamed with mystery.  He was not one to ever surrender a straight answer.  'Well, what exactly would you have me do here?' she adored delicately pushing him.  He chuckled which caused her insides to whirl in tingles.  Turning he started moving and she followed not knowing what he could possibly have in mind for her. 


    She stayed there laying in the great roots, covered with a blanket of moist earth, resting.  She made a vow never to move nor ever go anywhere again.  Her mother accepted her choice fully without a word as she accepted all of her children's wills.  The acorns dotting the rich soil all hers, the grass seeds waving in the wind all hers, the pollen floating in the atmosphere all hers.  She was the one great source of all life above and below, her great branches whispering lullabies as the girl rested.  In her deep inner journey she saw the beginning of all of the galaxies, the birth of all creation out of the sheer desire to be.  Her heart beat now one with the great mother of all, she had no more desire of her own.  The fairies braided her hair and painted her face.  She now lay, an offering.
    Yet that very moment when she was to be no more and merge with her source a rumble of the earth stirred her soul.  She felt it through her fingertips and the blood in her veins that had slowed now moved with the push a beat of her heart.  It was an ancient call that her soul remembered from long ago that she had promised to remember and never forget.  Softly her body rose from the earth and with none of her will, she walked to the shore.  Her finger tips had rested for the moment on the great mother's roots, before they separated from her touch.   The separation she felt washed through her without mercy as her body moved towards the beach.  Her form was now clad in a spider silk gown that shimmered in the face of the great moon above, whose form was full now and the land below was lit with moon beams that made it glow from within.  The breeze circled her skin softly getting her ready.  When she stepped on the great protruding rocks, overlooking the water, the pull of her body caused her to dive, head first, into the waters.  Her form moved easily through the water as if each muscle knew exactly what to do.  Diving deeper and deeper she would not stop, this time her form perfectly suited for the depths.  There was nothing but silence within her.  At a point the feeling that water was penetrating her skin, caused her lungs to expand, sensing the oxygen separate from the water for her use.  It felt more natural then anything prior so there was no cause for her to do anything but feel the serenity inside and around her as she descended.
    The cycle of life below as above, the infinity symbol resting vertically on the ocean line appeared in her mind.  A great mother whale with a calf looked at her smiling with her eyes as the calf swam up to touch her with his fin.  A spotted shark ten lengths of her body moved through the depths below, keeping his watchful gaze upon her.  Schools of fish of every color and shape like great prairies of wild flowers that moved in the wind, approached her, separated around her form, united again, and vanished just as quickly.  Turtles of three times her arm length swam past her uninterested, focused on their destination.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


    As the sun lifted and hues of orange yellow and red spread through the horizon, she opened her eyes slowly nestled perfectly in his form with an alive tension in her muscles as she held onto him.  'Not long now' the softness of his rumble gave her chills as waves of pleasure ran through her body.  She had never felt this complete before and there was no force in creation that could separate them now.  Closing her eyes again, a serene peace overfilled her.  In that place, her being rocked by him in rhythmic intervals, there was nothing she needed or wanted.  He dipped his body gentelly to let the water run over her form wetting her skin and the silk kimono again to her.  With the fabric slick, clinging to her skin, it felt like water armor, strong and soft.  It was the closest feeling to what having scales would feel like, that she could imagine. 
     She felt him emanate a soft gruff that caused her body to sit up and look forward.  Before them was land in a crescent shape with great trees covering its form that ascended to a peak in the far center where she could make out the form of one great tree, overlooking the land, ocean, and all upon it.  She was memorized by the site as she had seen this tree in her dreams.  Visions of all life having one source.  The pulse of mother earth beating in one place so strongly that any creature could feel it.  Resting in the roots of her great form was her only desire and as he approached she could do nothing else but run towards the great tree. 
   Though the beach and around the bushes.  Up the moist soils through the palms and needle point pines.  Her breath quicker, pumping the oxygen rich air through her lungs energizing every cell of her form.  She did not stop for a moment, with no question or thought running through her mind.  She was now a nature spirit weaving lightly in between the trees, her feet barely touching the soil.  Here her heart knew itself a part and parcel of a whole.  A feeling she had not experienced from before her birth.  Here she was one with Her.  "Mother!" tears ran down her cheeks as the trees thickened.  "Mother!" as the trees parted , she stood before Her.  She fell to her knees placing her head on the moist, rich earth and inhaled.  Weeping madly, taking the earth covering her form in it, as she rolled her body heaving deep sobs.  'You are home my child '.  The words came slowly with each syllable softening all the tension in her body.  Laying there looking up at Her branches, her hands resting on Her sensitive, powerful roots.  She knew she one now and never again would she feel separated.  

Never say Never

      Regaining her awareness of his absence a roar poured from her across the calm water "No!"  She did not wish to continue amongst the dead shadows of beings she had been caged with n the walls of the great city.  Dead from their primal instincts, clothed in guilt and shame.  She stripped the silk kimono from her taking a breath diving deep into the dark waters.  She could only swim down so far before her body fought for a breath of the air that kept her alive.  Relentlessly, she fought with her earthly form, yet it would not succumb to her will.  Finally, in sputtering wales she lay on the scale upon the waters.  There was nothing more for her in that plane and the one her soul yearned for was not made for the flesh that encased her.  As dusk descended the great sun that had showed no mercy for her burning skin vanished into the cooling waters.  Her wales had turned now to still surrender accepting her fate of perishing there between the two worlds she could not be a part of.  Neither by choice.
      She would not go back to living as a shadow of herself, yet she could not yet descend to the depths of her soul.  As the great darkness blanketed the heavens, millions of stars looked down their shimmering faces upon her.  Her form surrendered to whatever fate lay ahead.  Her salty tears returned to the salt waters below her.  There was no moon to light her vision yet this is how she preferred it.  In the night she felt safe and at home.  The minds of humanity silenced.
     Suddenly, her ears picked up a low rumble as if the earth deep below the waters was erupting.  As she sat up, grasping the scale, a great dragon head erupted from the waters with the rumble turning into a screech human ears could not withstand.  She cupped her ears tightly squeezing her head in between them, as the sound got so loud it turned all around it into momentary silence.  She opened her eyes as the sound of the ocean waters returned, seeing her dragon before her.  His face close to hers.  On his great tooth hung her kimono which he spat with a great waterfall of water upon her.  She laughed to the heavens and looked up at him, relieved that she could behold his form again.  He brought his nose to her and sniffed out a great puff as she tied the kimono around her.  Now was the time to rejoice, as he had not know he had almost killed her.  'I'm sorry ' she heard from within, surprised at his tenderness with her.'
      'I'm sorry my beautiful Master that I will never in this life be able to descend to be home with you again', she looked at him her eyes filled with the longing of her soul.  'Never say never little one' she could feel his chuckle tickle her form, 'Come on me now and I shall take you to a place we can both endure'.  She jumped to him without hesitation grabbing the out growths at the base of the scales by which she could pull herself up without getting cut by the sharp tips of the great scale plates that covered him.  She had learned by trial and error and many mistakes, yet now she knew how to ascend him.  His skin as sensitive as it was strong was delicate and warm underneath the plated covering that lifted and moved as he turned.  Being with him was her favorite place in existance.  She beamed and held close to him as he carried his head above the water height, carrying her, as he swiftly moved through the waves of the surface, towards his destination.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Not Yet

Yet, as the scale lifted, a force pulled her body fiercely upward. Realizing a cord of her cloak had caught upon the great scale, her body flew at a speed she had not known before. The water rushed around her as the sudden force burst through the surface.  Clutching onto the scale she coughed wildly, gulping the air.  She could feel the hot sun on her skin.  'It is not time yet' a voice from within her echoed.  

The Shedding

As the depths submerged them, for a moment she wanted to let go of his beastly form as the panic of the inevitable ran through her. She didn't mean for any of this to happen and certainly had not planned to meet him again.  Yet, as her awareness went to the contact of her body perfectly melted into the few hidden places on his that would not shred skin to pieces, she knew she would never let go.  Her soul was tied to his through all of eternity.  Her exhale was his inhale and his great exhale gave her the fire that burned deep in her soul.  She was at peace once and for all as she welcomed her previous life shedding.  She gripped tighter as the pressure of the depths built around them and a great scale separated, floating towards the fading light of the surface.  Something had also shed from him. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Dragon Master

I heard an ancient call within my soul.  'What are you?' I asked it.  'I am your dragon Master. To whose heart you have surrendered for eternity long ago.   Get on me girl.  We are going home' I knew where it was: the depths where the darkness mirrors the universal darkness above...starlight captured in tiny creatures moving fluidly through its depths.  The fairies showed me this place. Their high pitched voices calling 'follow me' giggling. It was as if last night, but I knew much time had passed since their visit, yet now nothing else mattered but the moment.  His scales firm as stone and sharp as knives, her body perfectly formed to his.  She knew how to melt into him as he swirled his form through the waters, a beastly shape that ate humans.  No one would see her again, yet she knew she had left her story behind and in its essence life.  'Remember the time of the dragons my child and never forget it for your soul can not survive on land.  The human cities of metal and stone can never keep you.  I am your Master.  Remember.' She could hear his voice in her essence as they descended.  

A Name

Here in this place I have been stripped of all I thought I had.  Land, home, money, self -respect, confidence.  I was stripped to the bone until I could bleed no longer. Yet in that empty place something else entirely developed.  In that blank nakedness of a babe slowly life formed in my womb. It developed and grew until it emerged.  Tired from its birthing journey, it was finally home.  She my creativity.  "What do I call you?" I asked with a dumbfounded look.   "Seraphina Bahira" she replied, "as I am the fire that burns to keep who you are alive.  I am the blood that pulses through your veins. The life soul that accepts breath.  Here together we dwell.  I your creative fire and you, the creator."

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Feminine Divine

My love, you have a gorgeous goddess body directly from the earth mother's breast.
Do not treat her as a cage.  She is a sacred gift. 
Worship her with scented oils and incense.
Nurture her with water and clean food. 

You have been given a sacred treasure. 
A compass that will always show you the way. 
Embrace your strength and summon the power within you.
Hers is the strength that will pour through your fingertips. 
Hers is the power of healing that will flow through your veins. 
Embrace now your feminine self. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Wolf Woman

There once was a woman.  She was very sad and disappointed with her life.  She thought the heavens failed her and the waters failed her and the birds of the air failed her and the Earth Mother failed her.  So one day quite fed up with her life she packed a satchel of apples and her pen and paper and went into the forest.  Now the forests as you know are not welcoming of strangers yet she had nothing to loose but her days filled with feeling sorry for herself.  She walked and she walked and before her was a wolf.  She looked at her sleeping in the open clearing; the sun bouncing off of her silver fur.  The wolf opened one eye and asked "What have you come for?"  She couldn't think as a thousand ideas ran through her head and all that came out was "Inspiration".  The wolf yawned a great yawn and got up slowly.  She was quite large and her shadow stretched out from her like spilled ink across the forest floor.  The girl held her satchel to her not sure at what was to happen.  The wolf stretched her body letting every muscle feel the benefit.  "Follow" she remarked and darted into the woods.  The girl ran fast behind the wolf.  A branch tore the satchel from her arms yet she did not stop.  She ran and ran to follow the wolf who was but a silver light in the distance in front of her.  Before she knew it, night had set in yet she did not stop.  The wolf, that silver light, in the distance was her only hope for survival.  Now know this, if she would have stopped, her life would have been lost forever.  Because in those dark woods there are unspeakable things that swallow human beings whole if they stop in their pursuit.  But this girl knew better and as she ran she started to feel her limbs.  She felt her legs moving quickly along the wet floor of the woods; her arms swiftly shifting besides her.  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply the scent of life amongst the darkness.  All she could do now was sense the trees coming towards her and sense where to go, where to shift, and where to step as she passed tree after tree.  Now the glimmer of the light of the wolf faded into darkness and returned moment after moment.  And in her running for a split instance she felt herself; one with the wolf, one with the instinct in her body, one with the forest trees one with the ground beneath her feet.  Her breath became regular and deep.  Her feet now shaped perfectly to propel her forward, her nose tingled with every scent she could discern.  She pushed up from the earth and her form leapt up into the darkness, her paws landing in a clearing.  The light of the crescent moon shone from above and her body sunk into the grasses.  Laying there her chest rising up and down she knew what she had to do.  Her eyes closed as the light of the stars caught her gaze.  Her body rested and the next thing she heard was a rustling far away in the distance.  She could smell the morning dew and the scent of insecurity of a female human approaching.  She felt her looking at her and she only had to open one eye to know "What have you come for?" was all she said. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Ancient Woman

The Ancient Woman waits always deep in the forest.
She is the one called Witch, Baba Yaga, Wise Old Woman.
She is the one you must find if you are to ever find your feminine power.
Yet many never find her.  The journey too traitorous.  The forest of illusion too dark.
Little Red Cap tried.  Allow me to tell you her story now.
Little Red Cap went into the forest.  She had no mother, no father, no sister nor brother to guide her.
She alone made the journey.  Why did she go?  To find the grandmother she had never met, the old wise woman, the one who would help her find her power.  All she had to go on was the tale that she existed and with her first bleeding, a window of unsettled curiosity opened that would not allow her to return to her world as she was.  What mystery there was in this feminine cycle. So bothersome embarrassing and painful. Yet the woods were dark and while she walked she realized how alone she was. 
Now as it happens in the dark places a wolf caught site of the girl in her red hooded cape.  This was no ordinary wolf but a sly watcher with a pencil thin, curled mustache.  He made his presence known as he needed information of how best to seduce her.  He asked "Little Red Cap where are you going?"  She was frightened and knew only to speak the truth and answered "I am going to find my grandmother's home".  His lip curled in a sly smile at her words for he knew what she searched for.  He remarked quickly "Oh yes of course.  An important task.  Allow me to let you pass." and disappeared into the trees. 
She was relieved and as she proceeded into the darkness of the forest her acute awarness took over and focused on her journey.  Now the wolf being the sly wolf that he was went quickly ahead and as he found a grandmother's house he entered and finding her sweet and plump ate her all up.  He took on her clothes and slipped under the covers of her fluffy bed and waited. 
It was many hours before Little Red Cap found the house and she was so excited to find it relatively quickly that she knocked on the door happily calling "Grandmother are you in there?"  The wolf called in a little granny voice "Yes dear I am in bed please enter".  She opened the door to the sweet cottage and went into the bedroom standing in front of the wolf.  "Oh grandmother I am so happy I have made it" she sighed in relief.  The wolf smiled his sly curled smile with his pencil thin mustache curled at the corners.  "Well take those wet clothes off and slip into this warm bed with me".  She looked at her clothes and they were quite soaked so it seemed logical to her to take them off and slip under the warm fluffy covers. 
Yet when she did her stomach turned and as she closed her eyes to try to relax she had a nervousness all through her.  She opened her eyes and looked at the wolf and he had the biggest ears she had ever seen.  Being an out spoken little girl she asked "Oh grandmother your ears are so large."  The wolf not particulerly worried with the question as he always had a way of talking himself out of riddles replied "Oh the better to hear with especially little girls like you".  The answer certainly did not make her feel better and as she looked she noticed the large eyes the wolf had.  "Oh grandmother what large eyes you have" she noticed speaking out loud.  "Oh the better to see with especially little girls like you" the wolf replied growing more irritated with her constant questioning.  He figured it was time to get the job done and eat this one so he could get some peace and quiet. 
But before he could Little Red Cap, following her body's sensations and said "I need to go outside to go pee."  The wolf surprised at her impertinance said "Oh no dear you mustent go outside.  It is dark and dangerous.  Stay safely here with me in my bed."  "But grandmother I just must go pee and if you want to make sure I will return let me unthread my Red Cap and tie a string to my ankle and I will surely return."  Little Red Cap was a girl that never gave up on what she wanted. 
The wolf had to oblige to such a request and when Little Red Cap got outside with the red thread tied around her ankle, she tied it to a tree and ran away.  Now she knew she would find the real Ancient Woman and it would be deep inside the very deapths of herself.  She never made that mistake again.

Putting others first, a constant excuse of the human female.

She was 24, a young woman with all of her choices before her.
I heard her say as she tapped her slim pretty leg on the floor beneath us,
"This job bores me, but my husband makes more then enough money, I don't need to work."

"Then change it to something more fulfilling", I replied with a voice that came from my bones.

Quickly she remarked back "I have settled.  I prefer stability.  The insecurity of a new job is more frightening then the constant of the boredom of this one."

"Don't give up, girl.  You have potential."  I looked at her as the words from within me hurt my heart.  I knew she had given up.

Then another voice, also 24 pretty and slim with all of her choices before her.
I heard her say as she also tapped a very similarly slim and pretty leg on the floor beneath us.
"I'm just so confused.  One day I am so excited to do one thing and the next day another.  My fiance tells me just to do something, but I just don't know.  There are so many Master's Degrees to choose from.  Once things settle down after the wedding, when we settle in our own place, in the summer, then I will look at my options again."

Yet I knew she wouldn't.  There would be decorating and babies and somehow no time again.

No words came from me this time.  I knew they would make no difference. 
I knew that place all too well. 
How many years had it been since I pursued my passions? 

Putting others first, a constant excuse of the human female.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Somehow I always knew

Somehow I always knew
I would be sitting in a government office
watching, witnessing, approving, and denying
benefits needed for life.

It feels like a lofty place to be indeed.
Knowing I am in the same place...
yet not really...
I have everything.

Because I have abundance,
a connection with the earth mother that flows
through my very veins,
pulsating joy.

What more could I ever ask for?


How can you be a woman and know nothing of the feminine divine?
How can you be a mother and not know your roots?
Do not forget your feet women.
Do not forget your wombs.

The mother wakes from her dreamless sleep.
An infant stirs in a barren womb.

A woman wakes.

Bullshit she screams.
Bullshit.  You have been feeding me lies.
Endless stories of accomplishments that bring nothing
but poverty to the very soul I am made of.

You the lairs of old, lay down your weapons.
For what I have will shake the earth with its might.

Honesty.  My only power.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Does fire worry that it will never be free, when it is surrounded by boulders in a fire pit?
No it laughs at the idea of being controlled, even though you think you are taming it.
Fire knows better.
A wild woman can never be tamed.
Her fire, even though it can warm a home's hearth,
was always and will forever be wild.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Women's Voices

The days are long and the nights are many but you one of one, one of many stand out.
Although your legs are long they will not carry you far.
Although your tongue is sharp it will not aid your journey home.
No for the journey home is in the inner world and only she can lead you there.
She the old woman.  She one who has been through it.
Listen not to her words but to her very soul for in her silence she carries the images of home.
Again we do not enlist you for this journey.  It is your will alone to go.  And go you will for the home you yearn for is already imprinted on an ancient memory.  A memory you think your own but will discover is ours.  We the women of the ages.  We the daughters of Osiris.  We the priestesses of Athena.  We the goddesses of Demeter.  Take us home woman for we are in you.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

I am not much but I am enough

One day a girl sat at the computer
She wanted to write but did not have the courage
She thought of all the times she had a chance to express herself
..but didn't.  It was after all easier.
No one could criticize silence.  A blank page could not be rejected for its views.
It could not be loved nor shunned.  Why not be no one?, she thought.
Just then she heard the flutter of wings.  What was it she looked up.
The sound was metallic almost as if water hitting against air.  It was not a sound she had heard before.
Her initial reaction was to immediately wave her hand around her hand as she looked up.
A protection against anything that may be whizzing about.
But as she looked forward there in air space before her was a dragon fly.
It appeared suddenly as if the room had no boundaries and even though the dragon fly flew far away she returned quickly making strange patterns in the air.  The girl wondered why she didn't fly straight.
As she touched the space in front of the girl over and over, the dragonfly on her third time landed on the computer screen before her.  They both tilted their heads it seemed at the same time.
A timeless moment, both perceiving another, unable to fathom the other's existence.
Unable to grasp the enormity of the creature before them.
A wordless stillness.