Thursday, September 17, 2015

Never say Never

      Regaining her awareness of his absence a roar poured from her across the calm water "No!"  She did not wish to continue amongst the dead shadows of beings she had been caged with n the walls of the great city.  Dead from their primal instincts, clothed in guilt and shame.  She stripped the silk kimono from her taking a breath diving deep into the dark waters.  She could only swim down so far before her body fought for a breath of the air that kept her alive.  Relentlessly, she fought with her earthly form, yet it would not succumb to her will.  Finally, in sputtering wales she lay on the scale upon the waters.  There was nothing more for her in that plane and the one her soul yearned for was not made for the flesh that encased her.  As dusk descended the great sun that had showed no mercy for her burning skin vanished into the cooling waters.  Her wales had turned now to still surrender accepting her fate of perishing there between the two worlds she could not be a part of.  Neither by choice.
      She would not go back to living as a shadow of herself, yet she could not yet descend to the depths of her soul.  As the great darkness blanketed the heavens, millions of stars looked down their shimmering faces upon her.  Her form surrendered to whatever fate lay ahead.  Her salty tears returned to the salt waters below her.  There was no moon to light her vision yet this is how she preferred it.  In the night she felt safe and at home.  The minds of humanity silenced.
     Suddenly, her ears picked up a low rumble as if the earth deep below the waters was erupting.  As she sat up, grasping the scale, a great dragon head erupted from the waters with the rumble turning into a screech human ears could not withstand.  She cupped her ears tightly squeezing her head in between them, as the sound got so loud it turned all around it into momentary silence.  She opened her eyes as the sound of the ocean waters returned, seeing her dragon before her.  His face close to hers.  On his great tooth hung her kimono which he spat with a great waterfall of water upon her.  She laughed to the heavens and looked up at him, relieved that she could behold his form again.  He brought his nose to her and sniffed out a great puff as she tied the kimono around her.  Now was the time to rejoice, as he had not know he had almost killed her.  'I'm sorry ' she heard from within, surprised at his tenderness with her.'
      'I'm sorry my beautiful Master that I will never in this life be able to descend to be home with you again', she looked at him her eyes filled with the longing of her soul.  'Never say never little one' she could feel his chuckle tickle her form, 'Come on me now and I shall take you to a place we can both endure'.  She jumped to him without hesitation grabbing the out growths at the base of the scales by which she could pull herself up without getting cut by the sharp tips of the great scale plates that covered him.  She had learned by trial and error and many mistakes, yet now she knew how to ascend him.  His skin as sensitive as it was strong was delicate and warm underneath the plated covering that lifted and moved as he turned.  Being with him was her favorite place in existance.  She beamed and held close to him as he carried his head above the water height, carrying her, as he swiftly moved through the waves of the surface, towards his destination.

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