Sunday, September 27, 2015

The End..but only the beginning of your story...

     There was nothing else to do now than to enter the dark opening.  She approached slowly and felt along the walls of the enclosure.  As soon as her body was within the darkness, all light disappeared.  She was left now with herself in a dark hole in the darkest inner belly of the ocean depths.  Would she survive?  The hallow was not tall enough for her to stand so she crawled and felt the ground and walls.  It was quite cool and moist with water filling every crevice but she was able to feel several objects on the ground within the smooth, curved walls of the hollow.  First, a small figurine made of what she would describe as clay.  The head was petite yet the body round and bulbous with a great belly surrounding the mid waist.  Her form narrowed again at the feet with breasts perfectly rounded.  The back had a rear similarly rounded and the best that she could figure was that this was a fertility statue devoted to earth goddess worship that she had studied about as a young woman.  It felt as if it had been held by other hands for extended durations having perfectly shaped finger protrusions along its curves.  Another item she felt was a mat that when she ran her fingers along it felt quite soft and alive.  As soft mosses felt in her prior life which now faded from memory, more and more every moment.  The fibers of the mat waved in soft tickling movements and as she lay upon it, each strand worked with the whole to lift her body in the most delicate way she had ever felt.  She fell into deep slumber as her form regenerated.
    When she awoke not knowing how long she had slept, her mind and body felt different.  As a matter of fact she felt quite different all over.  She couldn't tell exactly what had changed but she was energized and her mind was sharp and clean.  Free from the usual clutter of practical and analytical thoughts that ran through it.  She realized she was still clutching the goddess form between her fingertips that tingled with sensation.  It was as if every one of the cells in her form was cleansed to its deepest fibers and changed forever.  She had a peace about and within her that was more serene then she had ever known.  Gladness filled her breast knowing how comfortable she was there.  She curled into a small ball feeling sheltered and safe in the darkness.  The hollow dwelling felt more comfortable then the largest of palaces with all of her prior concern having been washed far away from her.  The pressure of the moving waters, surrounding her, rocking her gently in their folds.
    She allowed the place to fill her and seep into every pore of her being.  Her form massaged from every angle by the rocking.  Here she no longer felt separated.  An individual apart from the rest, but instead melted into oneness of all life.  She breathed deeply and her individual identity surrendered to the wholeness of all, feeling deeply nourished tucked in the roots of the great mother of all life.  She was Her now and one with Her will.  One with Her desire.  One with Her compassion.  As she opened her eyes all life now beamed of an inner light.  The darkness that she feared before was no longer possible as now she saw the golden light beaming from every fiber of the mat below her.  From the stone walls covered by tiny lichen.  The waters illuminated by their tiny forms drifting through them.  She sat up and beheld the great radiance of life all around her, shifting and moving.  They, as if smiling at her, as her deep inhales filled her with the bounty of their energy.  There was no more desire in her.  Her contentment all complete.
     She could sense The Dragon returning to her and she sat peacefully relaxed.  As His luminescent form descended before her, she, now one with all that is, could see him for what he was.  The beginning of all.  The source of all life who's word stirred the cosmos into existence.  Him who's desire for all life brought all into being.  Him, whos very fibers were the building blocks of all life.  There was no more thoughts separate from her being just a deep knowing of all things.  As he neared He knew she was ready and as they embraced all life again returned to its completeness.

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