Saturday, August 8, 2015

Putting others first, a constant excuse of the human female.

She was 24, a young woman with all of her choices before her.
I heard her say as she tapped her slim pretty leg on the floor beneath us,
"This job bores me, but my husband makes more then enough money, I don't need to work."

"Then change it to something more fulfilling", I replied with a voice that came from my bones.

Quickly she remarked back "I have settled.  I prefer stability.  The insecurity of a new job is more frightening then the constant of the boredom of this one."

"Don't give up, girl.  You have potential."  I looked at her as the words from within me hurt my heart.  I knew she had given up.

Then another voice, also 24 pretty and slim with all of her choices before her.
I heard her say as she also tapped a very similarly slim and pretty leg on the floor beneath us.
"I'm just so confused.  One day I am so excited to do one thing and the next day another.  My fiance tells me just to do something, but I just don't know.  There are so many Master's Degrees to choose from.  Once things settle down after the wedding, when we settle in our own place, in the summer, then I will look at my options again."

Yet I knew she wouldn't.  There would be decorating and babies and somehow no time again.

No words came from me this time.  I knew they would make no difference. 
I knew that place all too well. 
How many years had it been since I pursued my passions? 

Putting others first, a constant excuse of the human female.

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