Wednesday, November 30, 2016


The earth is my Mother
Magick is my brother
The wind is my sister
The waters my ever loving home

The mermaids 
sing me lullabies
as they call me home

Today I return 
and never feel shame 
for who I am

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Love is all there is

Love is all there is.  
The way humanity understands it is twisted. 

Does the rapist not love his victim?
Does the victim not love her rapist?

Does the murderer not love her victim?
Does the victim not love his murderer as he takes his last breath?

This is life itself. 

Does the animal not love in her sacrifice as I slice her neck and shed her blood?

Do I not love the animal as I ingest her flesh?

This is love itself. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Earth Daughter

I belong to the Earth. 

She has made me cell by cell,

eon by eon,

experience by experience. 

I am her child

first and foremost.

Boguslaw 6/16/16

I sit under a lonely tree.

You have saved me.

You have listened deeply.
You have advised appropriately.

You have cared for my interests.
You have accepted me as I am.

How grateful am I to have such a companion?

Who are you really Boguslawie?
Who are you really?

You have come and saved me;
Taken a shovel and dug my freedom
from the earthen pile of responsibility
I covered myself with.

Who are you really?
Will you haunt my dreams in the afterlife?
Will you be there dancing with me?

Yes you say and I trust your every word.

I trust you with my very soul.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


I sit alone under a lonely tree.

Will anyone help me?

Withering in silence as my fertile body is clogged up with sorrow

How should I live knowing you have not?
How should I accept my joy knowing you have none?

I weep for you as a willow, her long branches dipping their tears
onto the bank of that cool lake that I call home.

Take me back to the motherland and let me birth my babies in peace.

Peace from the wars of this land.
Peace from the waves of unending sorrow I feel ripple through me daily.
Peace from the pain of so many memories.

I have come here for freedom, for adventure, for respect.

Yet I have gained none, only to be lashed by the merciless words of rejection;

"Stupid Polak"   "Go back where you came from"

"I will" I said, and I did just that.

I packed my bags.
I was ready.
I feared nothing.

They would never accept me as I was.

I was foreign to them.
They were foreign to me.

But I liked them.

Yes they were more gullible and dense than anyone I had ever met.

Numbed by their comforts.  Numbed by their security.  Numbed by their money.

Who could blame them for lacking the muscles of ingenuity, compassion, respect,
developed from back breaking labor
to gather the coins needed for survival
for just one more day?

They had not known war; bombs dropping from the heavens piercing babies' ears.

They had not known the ghettos; my peoples' innocence gathered in festering disease pools.

They did not believe me when I told them of my survival.

I am a Polish Jew mother,

and I will always be your daughter.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

You and Me

Sway me again in your arms,
So that I may know the surrender of my soul.

Sway me to the ancient rhythm of the drums of your ancestors.

The slow, steady rhythm of ocean waves, crashing against a moon lit shore,
Reflecting a beauty, none can comprehend.

Because you live, I have lived.
Because you breathe, I can exhale.

My exhale fills you with the effervescent bubbles of existence.

Our union, creation itself.

Fill me now with your seed and do not trust the promises of tomorrow.
Her cunning will lie to you and leave you shattered with disappointment.

Yet I will never fail you.

Never allow you to be unfulfilled at this present moment.