Sunday, August 16, 2015

Wolf Woman

There once was a woman.  She was very sad and disappointed with her life.  She thought the heavens failed her and the waters failed her and the birds of the air failed her and the Earth Mother failed her.  So one day quite fed up with her life she packed a satchel of apples and her pen and paper and went into the forest.  Now the forests as you know are not welcoming of strangers yet she had nothing to loose but her days filled with feeling sorry for herself.  She walked and she walked and before her was a wolf.  She looked at her sleeping in the open clearing; the sun bouncing off of her silver fur.  The wolf opened one eye and asked "What have you come for?"  She couldn't think as a thousand ideas ran through her head and all that came out was "Inspiration".  The wolf yawned a great yawn and got up slowly.  She was quite large and her shadow stretched out from her like spilled ink across the forest floor.  The girl held her satchel to her not sure at what was to happen.  The wolf stretched her body letting every muscle feel the benefit.  "Follow" she remarked and darted into the woods.  The girl ran fast behind the wolf.  A branch tore the satchel from her arms yet she did not stop.  She ran and ran to follow the wolf who was but a silver light in the distance in front of her.  Before she knew it, night had set in yet she did not stop.  The wolf, that silver light, in the distance was her only hope for survival.  Now know this, if she would have stopped, her life would have been lost forever.  Because in those dark woods there are unspeakable things that swallow human beings whole if they stop in their pursuit.  But this girl knew better and as she ran she started to feel her limbs.  She felt her legs moving quickly along the wet floor of the woods; her arms swiftly shifting besides her.  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply the scent of life amongst the darkness.  All she could do now was sense the trees coming towards her and sense where to go, where to shift, and where to step as she passed tree after tree.  Now the glimmer of the light of the wolf faded into darkness and returned moment after moment.  And in her running for a split instance she felt herself; one with the wolf, one with the instinct in her body, one with the forest trees one with the ground beneath her feet.  Her breath became regular and deep.  Her feet now shaped perfectly to propel her forward, her nose tingled with every scent she could discern.  She pushed up from the earth and her form leapt up into the darkness, her paws landing in a clearing.  The light of the crescent moon shone from above and her body sunk into the grasses.  Laying there her chest rising up and down she knew what she had to do.  Her eyes closed as the light of the stars caught her gaze.  Her body rested and the next thing she heard was a rustling far away in the distance.  She could smell the morning dew and the scent of insecurity of a female human approaching.  She felt her looking at her and she only had to open one eye to know "What have you come for?" was all she said. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Ancient Woman

The Ancient Woman waits always deep in the forest.
She is the one called Witch, Baba Yaga, Wise Old Woman.
She is the one you must find if you are to ever find your feminine power.
Yet many never find her.  The journey too traitorous.  The forest of illusion too dark.
Little Red Cap tried.  Allow me to tell you her story now.
Little Red Cap went into the forest.  She had no mother, no father, no sister nor brother to guide her.
She alone made the journey.  Why did she go?  To find the grandmother she had never met, the old wise woman, the one who would help her find her power.  All she had to go on was the tale that she existed and with her first bleeding, a window of unsettled curiosity opened that would not allow her to return to her world as she was.  What mystery there was in this feminine cycle. So bothersome embarrassing and painful. Yet the woods were dark and while she walked she realized how alone she was. 
Now as it happens in the dark places a wolf caught site of the girl in her red hooded cape.  This was no ordinary wolf but a sly watcher with a pencil thin, curled mustache.  He made his presence known as he needed information of how best to seduce her.  He asked "Little Red Cap where are you going?"  She was frightened and knew only to speak the truth and answered "I am going to find my grandmother's home".  His lip curled in a sly smile at her words for he knew what she searched for.  He remarked quickly "Oh yes of course.  An important task.  Allow me to let you pass." and disappeared into the trees. 
She was relieved and as she proceeded into the darkness of the forest her acute awarness took over and focused on her journey.  Now the wolf being the sly wolf that he was went quickly ahead and as he found a grandmother's house he entered and finding her sweet and plump ate her all up.  He took on her clothes and slipped under the covers of her fluffy bed and waited. 
It was many hours before Little Red Cap found the house and she was so excited to find it relatively quickly that she knocked on the door happily calling "Grandmother are you in there?"  The wolf called in a little granny voice "Yes dear I am in bed please enter".  She opened the door to the sweet cottage and went into the bedroom standing in front of the wolf.  "Oh grandmother I am so happy I have made it" she sighed in relief.  The wolf smiled his sly curled smile with his pencil thin mustache curled at the corners.  "Well take those wet clothes off and slip into this warm bed with me".  She looked at her clothes and they were quite soaked so it seemed logical to her to take them off and slip under the warm fluffy covers. 
Yet when she did her stomach turned and as she closed her eyes to try to relax she had a nervousness all through her.  She opened her eyes and looked at the wolf and he had the biggest ears she had ever seen.  Being an out spoken little girl she asked "Oh grandmother your ears are so large."  The wolf not particulerly worried with the question as he always had a way of talking himself out of riddles replied "Oh the better to hear with especially little girls like you".  The answer certainly did not make her feel better and as she looked she noticed the large eyes the wolf had.  "Oh grandmother what large eyes you have" she noticed speaking out loud.  "Oh the better to see with especially little girls like you" the wolf replied growing more irritated with her constant questioning.  He figured it was time to get the job done and eat this one so he could get some peace and quiet. 
But before he could Little Red Cap, following her body's sensations and said "I need to go outside to go pee."  The wolf surprised at her impertinance said "Oh no dear you mustent go outside.  It is dark and dangerous.  Stay safely here with me in my bed."  "But grandmother I just must go pee and if you want to make sure I will return let me unthread my Red Cap and tie a string to my ankle and I will surely return."  Little Red Cap was a girl that never gave up on what she wanted. 
The wolf had to oblige to such a request and when Little Red Cap got outside with the red thread tied around her ankle, she tied it to a tree and ran away.  Now she knew she would find the real Ancient Woman and it would be deep inside the very deapths of herself.  She never made that mistake again.

Putting others first, a constant excuse of the human female.

She was 24, a young woman with all of her choices before her.
I heard her say as she tapped her slim pretty leg on the floor beneath us,
"This job bores me, but my husband makes more then enough money, I don't need to work."

"Then change it to something more fulfilling", I replied with a voice that came from my bones.

Quickly she remarked back "I have settled.  I prefer stability.  The insecurity of a new job is more frightening then the constant of the boredom of this one."

"Don't give up, girl.  You have potential."  I looked at her as the words from within me hurt my heart.  I knew she had given up.

Then another voice, also 24 pretty and slim with all of her choices before her.
I heard her say as she also tapped a very similarly slim and pretty leg on the floor beneath us.
"I'm just so confused.  One day I am so excited to do one thing and the next day another.  My fiance tells me just to do something, but I just don't know.  There are so many Master's Degrees to choose from.  Once things settle down after the wedding, when we settle in our own place, in the summer, then I will look at my options again."

Yet I knew she wouldn't.  There would be decorating and babies and somehow no time again.

No words came from me this time.  I knew they would make no difference. 
I knew that place all too well. 
How many years had it been since I pursued my passions? 

Putting others first, a constant excuse of the human female.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Somehow I always knew

Somehow I always knew
I would be sitting in a government office
watching, witnessing, approving, and denying
benefits needed for life.

It feels like a lofty place to be indeed.
Knowing I am in the same place...
yet not really...
I have everything.

Because I have abundance,
a connection with the earth mother that flows
through my very veins,
pulsating joy.

What more could I ever ask for?


How can you be a woman and know nothing of the feminine divine?
How can you be a mother and not know your roots?
Do not forget your feet women.
Do not forget your wombs.

The mother wakes from her dreamless sleep.
An infant stirs in a barren womb.

A woman wakes.

Bullshit she screams.
Bullshit.  You have been feeding me lies.
Endless stories of accomplishments that bring nothing
but poverty to the very soul I am made of.

You the lairs of old, lay down your weapons.
For what I have will shake the earth with its might.

Honesty.  My only power.