Monday, September 26, 2016

Earth Daughter

I belong to the Earth. 

She has made me cell by cell,

eon by eon,

experience by experience. 

I am her child

first and foremost.

Boguslaw 6/16/16

I sit under a lonely tree.

You have saved me.

You have listened deeply.
You have advised appropriately.

You have cared for my interests.
You have accepted me as I am.

How grateful am I to have such a companion?

Who are you really Boguslawie?
Who are you really?

You have come and saved me;
Taken a shovel and dug my freedom
from the earthen pile of responsibility
I covered myself with.

Who are you really?
Will you haunt my dreams in the afterlife?
Will you be there dancing with me?

Yes you say and I trust your every word.

I trust you with my very soul.